Prenatal and Postnatal Fitness Classes

Mind Body Baby Fitness has partnered with Birth Matters to offer quality pre- and post-natal fitness classes!

MIND BODY BABY fitness programs are specifically tailored to pregnancy and the postpartum period and combine strength training, cardiovascular exercises, core stability and mental imagery to increase your overall fitness level, improve functionality, and most importantly to prepare your body for giving birth!

Prenatal Exercise

During this class, you will learn how to breathe correctly through movement, activate and connect with your inner-core muscles, prevent common pregnancy discomforts through functional fitness, and prepare your body for childbirth with labor training methods.

Mind Body Baby prenatal exercise classes are available to women during the preconception period and all trimesters of pregnancy. Suitable for all fitness levels with clearance from medical care provider.

Prenatal fitness classes are scheduled Wednesdays at 5:30 pm, Fridays at 10:00 am, and Sundays at 1:00 pm, all at Birth Matters.

Prenatal exercises -both open ended- max -6 moms per class
$15.00 per class – drop in
5 class pass -$65.00/ expires in 1 month
10 class pass-$110.00 – expires in 2 months

Postpartum Exercise

Heal Your Core with this specialized postpartum recovery class that focuses on re-connecting with your inner-most abdominal muscles and diaphragm to strengthen your core post childbirth. Also a great rehabilitation program for women experiencing pelvic floor muscle dysfunction and/or diastasis recti separation.

Postpartum corrective exercise aids in a faster recovery from childbirth and is suitable for all women immediately following childbirth with clearance from medical care provider.

Postpartum classes are scheduled Wednesdays at 4:30 pm, Fridays at 11:30 am, and Sundays at 2:30 pm, all at Birth Matters.

Postnatal exercise-8 moms max per class
2 weekly- pre crawling/walking babies welcome
Drop in rate -$12.00
5 class pass- $50.00- expires in 1 month
10 class pass- $80.00- expires in 2 months

[button url=”” class=”primary” bg=”#ff8400″ hover_bg=”#350936″ size=”15px” color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”0px” width=”180px” height=”13px” target=”_self”] REGISTER NOW [/button]
(this will take you to the scheduling site where you can register and pay for classes)

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