Infant Massage Classes

This course is taught over a 5-week period, to give both the parent and baby time to learn and become comfortable with the massage techniques. Each week parents learn strokes for a new part of the body while reviewing stokes from the previous classes. So new strokes are learned and previous information is reinforced. We teach a little at a time to ensure that you are confident with every aspect. Pressure, rate, rhythm, the length of the massage, respect, bonding, why baby cries, baby’s body language, positioning of the baby, relaxation and parent empowerment are some of the skills and topics covered in this series. Come join a class!

Cost $125 for 5-Week Session

Birth Matters
3600 NW 50th
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(405) 831-4473

Contact us about possible dates.  405-831-4473