
HypnoBirthing® is a child birthing method that teaches women how to go into a deep level of relaxation. Women practice going into this deep level of relaxation so when their birthing day arrives, they can instantaneously go into this wonderfully relaxed state resulting in a gentle, more comfortable birth. HypnoBirthing® also teaches women and birth companions empowering information about birthing and explains what a mother’s body can do before and during birth.

Cost: $375 for 5-Week Session

Birth Matters
3600 NW 50th
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(405) 831-4473

[button url=”https://www.birthmattersok.com/birth-matters-class-registration/” class=”primary” bg=”#ff8400″ hover_bg=”#350936″ size=”15px” color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”0px” width=”180px” height=”13px” target=”_self”] REGISTER NOW [/button]

Available Dates:

May 17th, 2015 Sundays 1:00-3:30
Aug. 5th, 2015 Thursday Nights 6:30-9:00(skip 19th)
Oct. 22nd, 2015 Tuesday Nights 6:30-9:00

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